Friday, November 23, 2018

The crow & the house - ANZ Photo Book Award 2018 - my entry

ANZ Photo Book Award 2018

A link to the award
ANZ Photo Book Award 2018

My entry was not successful.
I have published my book on Issuu the link below:
The crow & the house

The story continues.

The cat jumped over the gate onto the bin.

The daily visitors car 
Empty the bread tag tray - roadside
Security device
Branches down

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Alien Light ©billpurvis

Inspired by Stephen Shore.
Movement, shape, shadow, reflections,
colour and light, and an exploration
of the image within the frame.
The ebb and flow, the wind in the rushes, the changing light,
the detritus on the river bed.
40 still frames on one canvas create for a moment a 3D
This is  re-edited Gif from 2016.


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Children Play - a homage

Children Play - A homage

Inspired by the works of The International Collaboration Project:
Deb Young & Frank Diaz - The International Collaboration Project

This Gif created by ©bill purvis.

Another distraction from photographing field hockey.
A boy aware of the Magpies intention engages it in play.
The photos were taken at the State Hockey Centre, 'The Pines',
Pooraka, Adelaide, South Australia.

'Swooping Magpie' was entered as a 4 frame set in the Australian Photography Awards.
A commendation was received.

Freakish Field Hockey Goal - ©bill purvis

Freakish Field Hockey Goal

A freakish goal was scored by AdelaideHC striker Fiona Paton.
Lobbed in high across goal, by Georgie Bridgland,
Fiona showed extraordinary athletic ability and skill in intercepting
and dropping the ball in for a goal.
AdelaideHC were playing SeacliffHC  in a Preliminary Final
of the Premier League Womens Hockey.
The final score AHC 3 SEACHC 1.
AdelaideHC play Port Adelaide DistrictHC in the Grand Final
on Saturday 15 September.
The full album of the game can be viewed here:
Preliminary Final AHC v SEACHC played 9 September 2018

A video of the goal on YouTube

Adelaide striker Chloe Carter scored the first spectacular goal plucked from the air.
Alison Penington scored the 3rd goal from a deflected strike into the circle.

Chloe's goal

Monday, August 20, 2018

Close call Ref - DUCK!

A close call from a deflected ball.

In the closing stages of the Premier League Men's
Field Hockey game between Adelaide and Burnside 
a short corner shot on goal deflected off a Burnside defenders
stick and narrowly missed hitting the umpire.
The game was played at the State Hockey Centre, 'The Pines',
on Saturday 18 August 2018.
Adelaide 6 Burnside 2.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Lunar Eclipse - a Possums view - Blood Red Moon - 2018©billpurvis

Lunar Eclipse - a Possums view - Blood Red Moon - 2018 ©billpurvis

Low light - f4, 1/4sec, 6400 Iso, hand held- braced, image converted to b&w.
Taken at Royston Park, Adelaide, South Australia AM 28 July 2018.                                                                                                         

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Aperture Folio - Sport, the rivalry, the skill. ©billpurvis

A Gif of my folio of sports action moments.

My submission to the Aperture Folio competition.
So many up and coming photographers.
Image makers of the future or one shot wonders?
Good luck to them.

Hobart - April - 2018

A week in Hobart from April 7 -14.

We stayed in a loft AirBnb with views across Bellerive Yacht Club.

A diver prepares to descend at the Brooke Street Pier.

The Gif is compiled of 134 still frames.
The frames may take time to load.
Each frame was originally a 12mgb image.
The camera was hand held for the duration and shot
through the mesh of a fence.
The original posting has been titled and edited to adjust the timing
and draw out the content of a few frames.

Charles Darwin Walk - along the shores of Kangaroo Bay - Bellerive

Compare this with the early Beattie print below.
19C Beattie Print 

inspired by Uwe Bedenbecker - 'Dialectics of Nature'

The Fort

The front garden of the AirBnb

Over the rooftop from our loft - AirBnb

Mount Pleasant Radio Observatory - Cambridge -  20kms east of Hobart

The wonderful colours of the vineyard
French Provincial restaurant

Picture window view from loft - AirBnb

Boarding the ferry to Bruny Island

 Bruny Island Views

Waiting for the cheese platter

worth waiting for!

Hotel Bruny

A dam with a view

When the dam is full it will provide an infinity pool view from the cottage currently being restored behind.

Dog & bone
The previous property owner shot the wallabies that came onto the property and left the carcasses
in a creek bed. No shortage of bones for poochy.

A bit windy. At the ferry terminal waiting to return.

Self portrait

A 2 car collision in the city of Hobart caused a bottle neck for kms and hours.
This view to Bellerive - our AirBnb - across the waters to
the Bellerive Yacht Club in Kangaroo Bay.  

The snaking traffic can be seen below.

The marina from our AirBnb

Mawson Huts Replica Museum - Hobart

This little fellow migrated from the museum display onto the back of my hand.
Translucent wings with arty face design.


In Mawsons Hut - I have a copy of the book
'Photography For Novices - The Primus Handbook', publ:1902

The Windeward Bound
The Windeward Bound SS

Aurora Australis
Australia's Antartic Ship Aurora Australis

The image of the sailing ship below is from a glass plate negative held in my collection.
A friend identified it, subject to confirmation, as the May Queen, and the Port as Hobart.
The May Queen is an historic sailing ship currently moored at the wharf in Hobart as the photos

from the glass plate negative

Historic information plaque alongside the wharf in Hobert

The May Queen SV