Saturday, May 27, 2017

OBahn Busway Tunnel Construction - Adelaide - South Australia

A few photographs and a Gif to update
my previous postings. ©billpurvis

Links to previous updates/postings

The photographs were taken on Saturday 27 May 2017.

Towards the tunnel  entrance/exit on Hackney Road.

Bus stop closure due to traffic restrictions 

Amendments to existing bus service.

Wrapping up a bus stop sign

 Grenfell St exit/entrance

The Hackney Road exit/entrance

Lowering one of the last remaining sections of the tunnel roof in place.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Huey Purvis - Two Gifs - 'Goal' & 'Getting out of a tight spot'


Two action Gifs from the game played between AdelaideHC & WoodvilleHC
at Seacliff on Saturday 20 May 2017.
AHC 9 WoodvilleHC 3
A nice goal from Huey Purvis - Captain AHC
Some clever stick work to avoid giving away a penalty corner.
Photos from the game can be viewed on this link to AHC FB.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Glenda Kent - glass artist - at work.

Glenda Kent - glass artist - at work.

It is exciting to see her development in her method of pate de-verre.

Applying powdered glass
Applying a mix of glass frit and gum arabic.

Refining the work

                          Glenda Kent interview - Bondi Street Art Radio                         

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Premier League Men's Hockey - Round 8 - AHC 6 PADHC 1

Premier League Men's Hockey - Round 8 - AHC 6 PADHC 1

The game was played at 6.45pm at West Beach Hockey Centre
on Wednesday 10 May 2017.

PADHC scored the first goal with AHC responding quickly to equalise.
AHC extended the lead in the second half.
Photographs of the game can be viewed on AHC Facebook

The gifs below capture two moments in the game.

In the first Gif:
Joel Correia ran onto a lobbed pass
from Angus Fry (pictured being congratulated by
the AHC Captain in the last frame), and executed 
a brilliant goal lifting the ball over the goalkeepers

The second Gif: - a moment for the AHC goalkeeper,
Damon Leng.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Joel's goal - Premier League Men's Hockey Round 7 - AHC 4 NEHC 1

Joel's goal - Premier League Men's Hockey  Round 7


NEHC scored the first goal.
A few minutes before half time AHC equaled with
a resolute goal from Joel Correia.

Please allow time for the frames to load 
and the sequence to run.

Joel's goal - ©billpurvis

AHC scored a further 3 goals in the second half.
The album of the game can be viewed here:
PLM's Hockey - Round 7 - AHC 4 NEHC 1